viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

internet: good or evil?

I think the internet can have positive and negative effects on people, depending on how it is used. There are many good things about the internet. The first is that it makes life easier in many ways. For example you don’t have to go to a bank to pay the bills, because you can do this from your home if you have internet connection. In this sense the internet saves you a lot of time and that is a good thing. Also, there is more access to information in the internet and people can learn about anything they want. And the information is in general more attractive because you can read, watch videos, etc. The other positive aspect of the internet is that it is a powerful tool for communication. You can send emails with text, images, videos, links etc and that was not possible 30 years ago with normal mail. Additionally, you can “meet” people online in a videoconference and this is almost like meeting face-to-face.
But the internet can have negative effects too, especially on teenagers. There is too much information on the internet and teenagers can spend a long time watching irrelevant stuff. so with the internet and also with tv you could stay in front of a screen for hours and you don't know what happen around you, and you can be totally disconnected to the other people around you. 

In general I think that the most important thing is education and values. The internet is more dangerous if values are not strong, but if this is ok the internet is a great tool to make life more simple. 

1 comentario:

Jorge Carroza dijo...


WC: 273. You needed to write 300 words. Make sure you stick to the number of words required.

Your opinion is very clear and straight to the point. Thanks. Please pay attention to these comments:

… if you have AN internet connection. …
… you don't know what happenS around you,
…totally disconnected FROM (to) the other people around you.
