miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Education in Chile

The education in Chile was suffering some kind of changes since 1973 with the dictatorship of Pinochet; these changes, in a wave, have installer economics interest in education,  and that for,  in a wave,  the direction of education respond to economics interest and don’t necessary respond to people’s education.  For that reason I think education is going make inequality with people, according to his economic situation. We knows that in general terms people that have enough money can pay for a good education, and the other people,  cannot choose for his quality of education.

When the students finish the school, the quality of education that they received is very broad, from a very good education to a very bad education, and mostly is defined for his economic situation. when the students made PSU test mostly of the results generate a difference between economic situations of the students, for that reason, we have in general term that students with good economic conditions can study  in a good university, and because the education is been a kind of market, the student that cannot study in a university, can study in an institute or private university or some similar, because in Chile is been installed the idea that all the people have to study, you are “nothing” if you don’t do it.

The problem with the inequality of opportunities of education bound to the economics conditions is the heart of the demands that students made. So we have a lot of people that get into debts for tuition, and bad education. the government is making some change that mitigate the problem, like give money for grant, or made the possibility of get into debts but this solution don’t attack the heart of the problem and don’t make a solution for all the students.



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