viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Manal al-Sharif

The video show us about a woman named Manal al-Shariff, she dares to drive a car in  Saudi Arabia, film the event and post the video on youtube, even though in her country don’t exist a law that bans  women from driving a car, is installed a tradition that the women can´t drive cars. The tradition is very strict; for example Manal's brother was harassed to the point that he had to leave the country just because he gave her the car keys.  So Manal al-Shariff started a campaign for the right of women to drive car in Saudi Arabia, and made a call to women to 17th of july to get out onto the streets and drive cars. As a result, on  this day 100 women got out onto the street and drove cars, and in that moment the tabu was broken.  therefore, from so this moment onward, there have been little steps for women's right to drive cars, for example the council recently approved the petition for women to drive cars after having rejected it four times. In my opinion Manal al-Shariff was a very clever woman because she realized that society's rules had been immersed in a very narrow way, and she had the courage to make society understand that there can be another possibilities that is been in the society's tradition and also that we can question the way we live our lives.